These courses offer hours of learning at your own pace and time. Only log in, relax and binge watch! So good, right?
The first course is only an Elocution course while the second is a combination of Elocution and Public Speaking.
Many people talk, few people speak whilst a fraction are articulate. What exactly is the difference between speaking, talking and being eloquent? A world of difference!
Speaking impeccably will greatly increase your confidence. You will feel like you can take on the world.
Speaking in the right diction is not about changing your accent or sounding foreign. It is about elocution. It is about social intelligibility; the ability to be heard and understood anywhere in the world.
It is about standing out from the lot. It is about being distinct in speech and the ability to pronounce your words accurately.
Why are you scared of public speaking?
We have likely answers.
– You are not pleased with how your English language sounds?
– You are not sure you will make sense?
– You are afraid of being judged?
– You are nervous? (At Quints), we have simple tricks and hacks that will make you master your fear.
Here’s an opportunity to learn Elocution and Public Speaking at your own pace and time.
Few minutes of new knowledge is better than 30 years of sheer ignorance. You may think you speak English language well, but you can never be a master at anything you haven’t learnt intentionally.
Eloquent speakers aren’t careless in their speech. They are very deliberate knowing that every sound matters.
This class guarantees you a quantum leap in your speaking prowess.
For transfer option, pay into Quints Communications, GTBANK 0216123891.
Thereafter, send an email to quintsdiction@gmail.com
To have a conversation, send a Whatsapp message to 07051879323.