How to make your child shine!
Diction, Public Speaking & Poise Workshop for Kids.
Imagine your child in a room with other phenomenal children learning Public speaking, elocution, etiquette skills, fine-dining etiquette, emotional intelligence skills and career intelligence just to mention a few.
We train children to face their fears, conquer anxiety during public presentation, speak English language with impeccable diction and perfect the art of social interaction.
Quints Youngsters Academy is the hub for children to learn the art of speaking rightly, accurate accent formation and other life skills set from their formative years. It is opened to children between the ages of 6 to 12years.
We will be training them on Fine Dining Etiquette. They will write speeches and present them. They will engage in healthy pronunciation and spelling competitions and win prizes… We consult for top schools on Elocution, Etiquette and Public Speaking. We know how to work with children and achieve great results.
We will be breaking them into age groups where necessary.
The venue is conducive for learning and the safety of your children is guaranteed.
Only 20 youngsters will be admitted into this batch. Hurry while there’s still room.
Our monthly Saturday Youngsters Club is open to them where they can reinforce learning and perfect their art.
Your children will be grateful for this.
Discount is available for group registration.
Pay into Quints Communications
GtBank 0216123891
Call or WhatsApp 07051879323